Join Ignite, our work club for teacher sellers

Heart of a Champion

Business strengths: You have big dreams, and luckily, a huge work ethic to match. You have a rare determination to make your business succeed. It’s almost like you don’t even mind all of the time and energy that you know is needed to get to where you want to be–you believe so strongly in your journey that it’s not a matter of if, but when.

Areas to improve: You’re a total go-getter, but sometimes have trouble committing to new additions to your business. Have you been putting off starting that email list? Facebook Lives feel scary? You find comfort in routine, and doing something new is a bit frightening.

What to watch out for: Be careful to avoid the overwhelm that can accompany the desire to do all the things. When you are ready to start a business or scale an existing one, the enthusiasm is real. But if you aren’t realistic and systematic about your plans, the pressure can go from 0 to 60 in a flash.

What will help: Find groups of sellers or business mentors whose business style you find similar to yours. Find out and pay attention to what works for them, how they do things, and what you might learn from them. Don’t lose your fire, keep your mind open to new knowledge and possibilities, and get excited: you’re on the verge of greatness, my friend!

Next steps: There are some big things happening soon in the School of Sellers space that are a perfect fit for serious sellers who want to continue scaling their business. Click the button below to see what I’m talking about!