Thriving and Thirsty for More
Business strengths: Simply put, you are a grade-A business badass. Despite your success, you always have growth on your radar. You are business-minded, efficient, and overall a consistent business owner. You aren’t perfect, but you know what you need to do to make your business succeed. Dedicated to your craft, you are committed to learning, improving, and growing–as long as it’s worth your time.
Areas to improve: Your biggest struggle currently is that you never seem to have enough time, and there is always so much to do. You don’t have a team–or current plans for one–because you like to have control over your business. This isn’t a bad thing, but it further intensifies your need for more time to do all the things. Is there such thing as too much ambition? If so, that’s you.
What to watch out for: As a hardworking, passionate businessperson, you are destined for greatness; however, beware of burnout. Take time for yourself, even if it’s a few minutes each day to do something other than working.
What will help: While you are rocking it, you could benefit from a little nudge of accountability now and then to keep you motivated. You also thrive with guidance that is appropriate to your TPT business–not just the general business coaching ads flooding your newsfeed.
Next steps: There are some big things happening soon in the School of Sellers space that are a perfect fit for serious sellers who want to continue scaling their business. Click the button below to see what I’m talking about!