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How to Prepare for the TPT Sale Now So You Aren’t Stressed Later

We all know the feeling–a sale is coming and it’s coming soon. While this sounds like something to freak out about, it truly isn’t. There are things you can do now that will save you tons of time and bad emotions during sale time. These pre-sale to-do items can be done any time of year and will always be useful to you as a seller.

PRE-SALE ACTION ITEM #1: Create a template to use on all social media platforms to advertise the sale.

Make sure to leave a blank space for the promo code. [Side note: I actually choose not to advertise the sale on my social media platforms, because I think teacher sellers are inundated with these images to the point of annoyance]. However, I do like to create templates (such as the one below) that remind them to use the promo code. Not only have I forgotten to do this (multiple times), but I’ve gotten great feedback on sharing this reminder–apparently, I’m not alone! This is a great “passive” way to share the sale info.

PRE-SALE ACTION ITEM #2: Write an email series you want to send the week before or week of the sale that highlights some of your products you want your audience to buy during the sale.

To avoid sounding too salesy, consider these alternatives to “hey, buy this” e-mails:

  • Send a free sample of a product or a free product from a larger line as a “hey, try this out” gesture. Tag your audience who clicks on it, and the week of the sale, send out a “How’d you like that?” e-mail that includes “Well, you’re in luck, because until (sale end day), it’s on sale for 25% off! to remind them they might want to buy it during the sale.
  • Think about the months coming up and what teachers will need to be prepared. Frame your email in a way that says, “Hey, I was thinking about you and how fast this year is going. Here are some things you can get now so you are prepared later.”
  • Do a round-up of customer feedback! Copy and paste TPT feedback in your e-mail to share what other teachers think about a product. Peer pressure is real and it is our friend 🙂

PRE-SALE ACTION ITEM #3: Make sure your social media posts are intentional.

I was the queen of memes for a good year of my life, and while they were fun to make and even more fun to see go viral, they didn’t do much for my business. Fun posts are still okay and great, but don’t forget to keep your product in the forefront of your mind. If you feel too salesy posting product photos with links, be more creative. Tell a story about the product, or share a screenshot of customer feedback and how it made you feel. Be real, and people will be interested–and don’t feel bad about posting your products. This is your business.

PRE-SALE ACTION ITEM #4: Adjust your product categories in your storefront to reflect the upcoming purchases.

We all know by now what sells well in our store certain times of year. If you have products that sell well during the time you anticipate the next site-wide sale to be, think about adding a custom category to house those products for the time being. For example, something like “Winter Must-Haves.” This way, you have a category link to share with your audience that will direct them to a whole host of products rather than sharing individual product links.

And there you have it.

The best part about all of these tactics is that once you go through the motions the first time, you can repurpose those motions for the next sale. Reuse your e-mail copy, re-publish the sale image on social media, you name it! Do the work now to reap the benefits indefinitely. BOOYAH.

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