In this episode, I break down the ways you can make your content work harder for you. We have precious little time to spare, so when we spend it creating content of any sort, it’s in our best interest to use the hell out of it. Let’s explore the ways you can reuse, revamp, and repurpose your blog posts and social media posts so that you don’t have to create something new week after week.
Why repurpose?
When we talk about repurposing today, we are talking about getting the most out of our content and using it in other ways or using it again and again so that it becomes the gift that keeps on giving,
Revamping existing content
Taking an old blog post and making it into something new is a great way to repurpose. You can update the text of an old blog post either through a real-time update. In addition, you can also perform a thorough SEO check-up on an existing post and change the text to weave in keywords and phrases, in addition to narrowing the focus of the post.
You can also choose to add a freebie to an existing post; by offering a free product that is aligned with the post, you are providing value to your reader. Make sure to also add in some paragraphs about the freebie throughout your post, as well as a link to an opt-in page where readers will give their information in exchange for the free download.
Lastly, revamping photographs is an incredible way to reuse an old post. Take newer, brighter photos and also change the text throughout the post to refer to the photos so your post is cohesive and smooth.
Reusing content
Sharing the same content across platforms is a smart move for your business because it saves you time. The truth is, we overestimate how many people see our content, so we shouldn’t fear sharing the same content from Facebook to Instagram. Chances are, your audience will not see it twice. If you are still worried about post fatigue, be assured that consumers who are exposed to a message multiple times are more likely to follow the call to action than consumers who have only been exposed to a message once.
Repurposing content
- Blog post to social media post: Take a quote or image from the blog post and create a shareable image for social media.
- Blog post to email: Copy and paste text from your blog post into an email broadcast. Link to your blog for further reading.
- Use TPT Q+A’s: Create a FAQ guide to offer as a freebie, or craft a blog post using FAQ’s. Refer buyers to this post instead of answering every individual question.
- Use TPT feedback: Use feedback for social media content by copying the text and turning it into a social media-friendly image.
Like I said, there are so many ways you can repurpose your content so you aren’t recreating the wheel every time. To get a more in-depth view, you can download the repurposing roadmap here.
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