In today’s episode of School of Sellers, I share with you the must-have elements of a great blog editorial calendar.
What is a blog editorial calendar?
Commonly referred to as content calendars, blog editorial calendars house all of the moving parts and pieces that go into every blog post. If content is the heart of our business, then content calendars are the brains.
While I have upwards of 40 fields per post on my Airtable content calendar, I am sharing with you today the must-have fields.
Where do I keep my blog calendar?
Airtable, how I love thee
Airtable is a spreadsheet system that my friend Melissa has described as “Excel on steroids.” Can’t think of a better description! With so many color-coding, personalization, and organizational tools, Airtable is every teacher seller’s dream. It’s easy to use, and the perfect place–in my opinion–to store all things TPT.
Okay, so what goes on your blog content calendar?
I have several tabs for my content calendar: affiliate links, blog posts, ideas, product links, and opt-in links. These 5 tabs contain all of the information I would ever possibly need while I sit down to mega-batch my blog posts. While the actual blog data for every published post goes into my blog post tab, I grab links and photos from the other 4 tabs. They are self-explanatory: simply, a place to store any affiliate links I might use in posts, product links I can quickly get to put into a post, and any email sign-up forms I want to share with my readers that might be relevant to a given blog post.
Let’s talk about the blog tab, though
- Quarter: Organizing my content by quarter is a great way to see the big picture and how your blog posts will connect throughout the year.
- Outline: A simple 3-point outline is typed right into Airtable so I can have a more seamless writing experience once I draft the real thing.
- Keywords: I type 2-3 keywords or phrases I want to use in each post so the post is more easily found by search engines.
- Products: Here, I simply type in the products I know I want to include in the post.
- Photos: Keeping raw images or even edited images on my content calendar is a great way to ensure I don’t lose them to the black hole that is my camera roll.
- Repurposing notes: A place for me to jot down ways I can reuse the blog post in the future
Like I said, there is a *ton* more that goes into my content calendar. To get a more in-depth view, you can download a content calendar starter kit here!
If content is the heart of our business, then content calendars are the brains.
Erin M. Water
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