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Episode 6 | Small Habits, Big Results: Tiny Actions to Supercharge Your Teacher Business

In today’s episode of School of Sellers, I get into all the little things you can do that will eventually become a lot in your business.

What are tiny habits?

You may or may not even realize what tiny tasks you already do–these are the tasks that actually hold big power. Things you do daily that, over time, yield the biggest results. Things like taking 5 minutes daily to organize files–with these tiny habits, we are able to gradually accomplish the big tasks that truly matter.

Words of wisdom

One of my favorite quotes is “little by little, a little becomes a lot”–and it is so true. Many times, those teeny, tiny things you do feel small and it doesn’t feel like we’re really making a dent in our workload. Or, it doesn’t feel like we’re really making a difference in our work or our life. But after time, it has that snowball effect and even though you can’t see it instantaneously, your little teeny, tiny habits truly have a way of becoming huge, big things.

My Small Habits

  • Using noise-cancelling headphones when I am in focused work mode: this saves so much time since I have zero distractions and can get work done 3x faster than if I had to listen to yelling and crashes made by my kids. Assuming they are being taken care of by another adult, this is a great option for super focused, effective work 😉
  • Keeping social media to a minimum: Keeping my phone out of my workspace, my Self Control extension turned on so I am blocked from mindlessly scrolling through feeds, and also keeping my necessary social media links on my bookmark bar (like my School of Sellers Facebook group) really cuts down on time wasted on social media.
  • Not checking my email first thing every morning: 9 times out of 10, checking my email only derails the plans I have made for myself. Putting out other peoples’ fires is the main result of checking email, and I only do so when my creative energy has been exhausted for the time being and I feel the need to be productive in a more clerical way.
  • Taking 5 Minutes to “power prep” every night: This is a quick onceover of my office to ensure my devices are charging, my to-do list is prepped for the next day, and my workspace is primed for ultimate productivity.
  • Taking 5-10 minutes daily to clean up my computer desktop: There is so much system junk that accumulates in our teacher business. It’s so much easier to stay on top of it in small increments than it is to do a massive cleanup every few months. This is one thing I do not batch: the more organized your files are the easier it is to save time in your day to day tasks.
  • Not working right up until bedtime: Even if it just means reading for 10 minutes, I make sure now that I never go straight from my computer screen to my bed. Doing so has resulted in better sleep and a more peaceful mind.
  • Texting myself: Especially important when I’m not in my office at my computer, I have found that sending text messages to my own phone number with inspiration, blog ideas, product ideas, you name–has been way more effective than letting things get lost in the black hole that is my camera roll or notes app.
  • Keeping track of personal habits: Self-care is all the rage, but I like to make sure I am sticking to the basics most days. I use a simple habit tracking ring to cross off things I do daily for my own health and wellness.

Little by little, a little becomes a lot.


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